Keeping you confident and beautiful during hairloss

Headwear for Hairloss

My Story

My story starts 15th July 2018, after an annual mammogram and being diagnosed with breast cancer. For some reason I always thought this happens to other people but how naive was I ? I had never known anyone with breast cancer previous to my own. So was not sure what I was going to go through. I have to be honest I think I was in a bubble for the 1st two weeks after my diagnosis. My daughter had arranged every appointment from surgeons, blood works, scans, etc, there was honestly so much going on that my daughter basically took control of the calendar and booked everything that needed to be done. In hindsight, it was probably best I stayed in that bubble (as my daughter would say) as I literally could not even describe the cancer i had to people ( shows how much attention I was paying to the doctors) We were on a bit of a time crunch as i had a Bali trip booked, which I absolutely refused to cancel My Oncologist was actually in agreement, told me to have a great time and chemo would start the day after I got home. I left to go with my friend Tania to Bali for 3 weeks. I did not give the breast cancer another thought until..... 2 days before I was due to fly back and then I was ready to tackle this journey and fight through it. It started with 6 months of chemo, which I was so blessed to have one of my family members sitting with me every time, hydrating me, bringing flowers to pretty up my little area and of course the snacks. My daughter had a beautiful blanket made up for me with photos printed on it, as a reminder they were all there to support me. After chemo it was time for surgery, I was having a lumpectomy. Appointments with surgeons and plastic surgeon all taken care. I had to wait before I could have my radiation for the lumpectomy surgery to heal. Radiation was for 28 days consecutively of which I I did not miss a day, (I wanted this all over with). My life had just been consumed with appointments and everyone was trying to jungle their lives for me. On my last day of radiation, it suddenly struck me that besides visiting my oncologist every six months , my life was back to normal (or as normal could be) and now I had time on my hands. It is now 5 years on and I am clear of my cancer. There are days I cant believe what I have been through, but then I have the scars to remind me. I cannot write my story without thanking my beautiful, selfless family, who hurt more than I did, they are the reason I was so strong. Kerry, Ashley, Rod, Natasha and my Coley. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love Di xxx To Mandy and Tania thank you for being their for my journey in more ways than one. I so appreciate it. Xx To Carey, whom helped me every step of the way with technology, I knew from the day I met you, you were that special person to get Beauty and Blessings up and running. Thank you my GA Xx
My support team - My Family

The Beginning of Beauty and Blessings...

Beauty and Blessings was started in July 2018, whilst I was going through chemo at the age of 55. I decided that if I was going to lose my hair, I was going to do it with style, but unfortunately I realised there really was not much on the market. So after much back and forth with seamstress after seamstress, I finally found a wonderful lady who made a few pieces of headwear for me, and so, Beauty and Blessing was born. I determined that if i was struggling to find headwear, how many other ladies were struggling with the same thing? I decide then that I was going to assist women in the same situation and provide beautiful headwear for the ladies during their journey. We are based in Jhb and create and manufacture all our headwear in Jhb , We have been going for 6 years now and I cannot tell you how it warms my heart every time I receive a message, phone call or email thanking me for their headwear.

Customer Reviews

Why buy your chemo Headwear from us ....

Eco-friendly & Sustainable
Bamboo and Cotton
Breathable fabric
Super comfortable
Full coverage
Moisture Wicking

Responsibly sourced materials

Delivery & Returns

To deliver your favorite products, we have partnered with the most reliable companies. We are ready to entrust them with your orders and are always on your side if something goes wrong. We will be happy to assist you with eligible returns, the return instructions, and the shipping address. If you need a return or exchange, send us an email so we can discuss a replacement.

Online Only

We are always happy to help and are always ready to answer any of your questions, assist with choosing, and support you if you are in doubt.
Lonehill Johannesburg
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Mon-Friday 8am - 4pm